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flyPadOS 2 EFB

flyPadOS 2 is only available in the Stable version.

Navigation & Charts
Online ATC
Click on the menu icons in this image to see other flyPad pages.


From Wikipedia: Electronic Flight Bag:

An electronic flight bag (EFB) is an electronic information management device that helps flight crews perform flight management tasks more easily and efficiently with less paper providing the reference material often found in the pilot's carry-on flight bag, including the flight-crew operating manual, navigational charts, etc. In addition, the EFB can host purpose-built software applications to automate other functions normally conducted by hand, such as take-off performance calculations. The EFB gets its name from the traditional pilot's flight bag, which is typically a heavy (up to or over 18 kg or 40 lb) documents bag that pilots carry to the cockpit.

An EFB is intended primarily for cockpit/flightdeck or cabin use. For large and turbine aircraft, FAR 91.503 requires the presence of navigational charts on the airplane. If an operator's sole source of navigational chart information is contained on an EFB, the operator must demonstrate the EFB will continue to operate throughout a decompression event, and thereafter, regardless of altitude.

The flyPad is FlyByWire's version of an EFB which allows the user to manage the aircraft and the flight by providing access to aircraft settings, flight plans, ground services, performance calculations,navigational charts, online ATC frequencies and more.

The FlyByWire team is in the process of moving all aircraft settings to the EFB and will also add more functionality in the near future.

This documentation takes you through all pages and functions of the flyPad EFB.

FlyByWire flyPad

General Usage

The flyPad is organized into several pages. Links to their documentation are below.

To TURN ON and TURN OFF the flyPad you can either:

Flypad on off

  • To turn it on or off click on the "hardware" button on the top right of the tablet.
  • To turn it on click anywhere on the screen.
  • To turn it off click on the power symbol in the top right corner.

flyPad Pages

Quick Links
flyPad Dashboard
flyPad Dispatch
flyPad Ground
flyPad Performance
flyPad Navigation & Charts
flyPad Online ATC
flyPad Failures
flyPad Settings
flyPad Throttle Calibration

Last update: August 29, 2022